In Malaysia, NiSCELL is the pioneer in introducing AIET, a non-toxic cell-based therapy specifically focusing on the Research of Cancer. Cancer takes advantage of the weak immune system by metastasizing rapidly throughout the body’s system and disrupts the activity of our immune system. At NiSCELL, we isolate, activate and expand selectively natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T – Lymphocytes (CTLs) which are important in combating deadly / fast spreading cancer cells.
AIET awakens the suppressed or weak immune system by enhancing the system with highly cytotoxic immune cells, specifically NK cells and Cytotoxic T – Lymphocytes (CTLs).
Uniqueness of AIET
It is a non-toxic cell based therapy
No rejection because it is an autologous therapy (using patient’s own immune cells )
Painless and outpatient procedure
No severe side effects except for occasional feeling feverish, or lethargy
It can either be a standalone therapy or used in combination with other cancer therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy
The principle of AIET is to harness/boost the immune system of the patient. Generally, a patient’s immune system is suppressed when he/she is suffering from a disease. When the immunity of the patient is low, the patient is vulnerable to any type of viral/microbial infection which leads to the outbreak of severe diseases such as influenza, cancer etc.
In this case, AIET will help the immune system to fight the infection and maintain the stability of the immune system when the system is under threat. AIET not only focuses on cancer patients but it also benefits patients who have a suppressed immune system or whose immune system is weakened after undergoing surgery. Cancer patients who underwent complete removal of the tumor mass can take up AIET to boost their immune system.
Even though AIET has no age restriction, severity of the cancer (type of cancer and stage of cancer) is important in determining the effectiveness/efficacy of AIET. The efficacy rate is further enhanced when AIET is combined with the present therapies. AIET is a safe and effective mode to fight cancer whereby it not only enhances the immune system but improves the quality of life of a patient.

Safe: Uses Patient’s Own Cells (Autologous)
No Rejection
No Pain
No Allergy
Rare to second cancer (cancer re-entry)
Does not affect normal / healthy cells (target specific)
No age Limit
Supplementary Immune boosting
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed disease and the second most leading cause of cancer-related death among women worldwide.
In 2012, nearly 1.7 million new cases were diagnosed and there were nearly 600,000 deaths globally, which represent about 12% of all new cancer cases and 25% (one in four) of all cancers in women. The incidence of breast cancer has risen more than 20 % in the past 5 years. In the year 2008, it has been accounted that the total number of the new cases among the Malaysian women was 31.3%.
Generally, most of the Malaysian women were diagnosed at later stage of breast cancer compared to other developing countries in Asia, whereby 30-40% presented at stage 3 to stage 4.
Treatment of the metastatic patient is a very complex issue with patients developing resistance to the available chemotherapeutic agents. After exhausting the first or second line metastatic treatment, there have been usually a limited chemotherapeutic options available or patients may not be fit for further chemotherapy due to the toxicities of the treatment undergone. At this stage further treatment may significantly increase the morbidities and any further survival or symptomatic benefits may be minimal.
Therefore, there is a desperate need to establish new therapeutic strategies to improve the outcomes in metastatic breast cancer patients.