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Gounder SS, Abdullah BJJ, Radzuanb NEIBM, Zain FDBM, Sait NBM, Chua C, Subramani B (2018). Effect of Aging on NK Cell Population and Their Proliferation at Ex Vivo Culture Condition. Anal Cell Pathol (Amst) Aug 2;2018:7871814.
Sellamuthu S , Kris S, Baskar S. (2018)Therapeutic Consequence of Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cell for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy- Case Study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention. 2319 – 6718.
Subramani B, Manjunath SR (2018) Preclinical Research: A Rise or Dawn. Pharm Pharmacol Int J 6(1): 00147.
Gounder SS, Kodiappan R, Chan SC, Veerakumarasivam A, Subramani B (2017) Adult Stem Cell Therapy in Liver Cirrhosis Management: Current Practices and Future Perspectives. Int J Stem Cell Res Ther 3:049.
Chithra Ramanathanpullai, Sellamuthu Subbannagounder, Baskar Subramani (2017) Role of Natural Killer cells in Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences. 2017; 6 (11).
Subramani B, Subbannagounder S, Ramanathanpullai C, Palanivel S, Ramasamy R. (2017) Impaired redox environment modulates cardiogenic and ion-channel gene expression in cardiac-resident and non-resident mesenchymal stem cells. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). Mar;242(6):645-656.
Subbannagounder, S., Ramanathanpullai, C., Kris, S. K. S. &Subramani, B. (2016) Effect of autologous bone marrow stem cells and human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells on psoriasis patient: A case report. Case Study Case Rep, 6 (3), 97-102.
Subramani B, Subbannagounder S, Palanivel S, Ramanathanpullai C, Sivalingam S,Yakub A, SadanandaRao M, Seenichamy A, Pandurangan AK, Tan JJ, Ramasamy R. (2016) Generation and characterization of human cardiac resident and non-residentmesenchymal stem cell. Cytotechnology. Jan 28.
Baskar S, Dedeepiya V D, Terunuma H, Manjunath S R, Senthilkumar R, Sivaraman G, Pandian A, Abraham S. (2015)Prolonged survival of a patient with inoperable, locally advanced adenocarcinoma of pancreas after autologous immune enhancement therapy with chemotherapy. Indian J Cancer :52:395-6
Baskar S, Chithra R , Ezzati R , Ashok Kumar P , Arulvasu C , Sellamuthu S (2015) Hydrogen peroxide impedes NK cell and T cell-mediated cytotoxicity against colon cancer cell. International Journal of Oncotherapy . University-School of Medicine, Chuo, Japan.
Baskar S, Chithra R, Kohila K, Sheela Devi S, Xuewen D, Terunuma H, Kananathan R, Efficacy of ex vivo activated and expanded natural killer cells and T lymphocytes for colorectal cancer patients . Biomedical Reports .2014
Rao S, Sudhakar J, Parikumar P, Natarajan S, Insaan A, Yoshioka H, Mori Y, Tsukahara S, Baskar S, Manjunath S, Senthilkumar R, Thamaraikannan P, Srinivasan T, Preethy S, Abraham S (2013) Successful Transportation of Human Corneal Endothelial Tissues without Cool preservation in varying Indian Tropical climatic Conditions and in vitro Cell Expansion using a novel Polymer. Indian J Ophthalmol.
Baskar S, Chithra R, Kohila K, Sheela Devi S, Manjunath Sa, Abhi V, Xuewen D, Terunuma H (2013). Autologous immune enhancement therapy: A case report of a stage IV colonic cancer.Oncology letters 5: 1611-1614
Kananathan R, Baskar S, Chithra R, Kohila K, Sheela Devi S, Manjunath Sa, Abhi V, Xuewen D, Terunuma H . Autologous immune enhancement therapy against an advanced epithelioid sarcoma: A case report . Oncology letters 5: 1457-1460
Manjunath S, Ramanan G, Dedeepiya V, Terunuma H, Deng X, Baskar S, Senthilkumar R, Thamaraikannan P, Srinivasan T, Preethy S, Abraham S (2012) Autologous immune enhancement therapy in recurrent ovarian cancer with metastases; 18 months follow-up- A case report. Case Rep Oncol 2012;5:114-118
Rajappa Senthilkumar, Sadananda Rao Manjunath, Subramani Baskar, Vidyasagar Devaprasad Dedeepiya, Sundaram Natarajan, Sudhakar John, Periyasamy Parikumar, Insaan Aditya, Yuichi Mori, Hiroshi Yoshioka, David W Green, Madasamy Balamurugan, Shigeo Tsukahara and Samuel JK Abraham (2012) Successful Transportation and in vitro Expansion of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium and its Characterization; a step towards Cell-based Therapy for Age related Macular Degeneration.Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy Jan 2012; Volume 6 (1): 44-54
Dedeepiya V, Terunuma H, Deng X, Baskar S, Manjunath S, Senthilkumar R, Murugan P, Thamaraikannan P, Srinivasan T, Preethy S, Abraham S (2011) A comparative analysis of in vitro expansion of natural killer cells of a patient with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia and ovarian cancer with patients with other solid tumours.Oncology Letters. 2011;3(2). Doi: 10.3892/ol.2011.498.
Subrammaniyan R, Amalorpavanathan J, Shankar R, Rajkumar M, Baskar S, Manjunath SR, Senthilkumar R, Murugan P, Srinivasan VR, Abraham S (2011) Application of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells in six patients with advanced chronic critical limb ischemia as a result of diabetes: our experience . Cytotherapy. 2011 Sep;13(8):993-9.
Praveen N, Khan AA, Baskar S, Habib MA, Ravindraprakash B, Abraham S, Yoshika H, Mori Y, habibullah CH. Hepatitis Monthly.Intera peritoneal transplantation of hepatocytes embedded in thermorevesible gelation polymer (mebiol gel) in Acute liver Failure rat model. 2008; 8(4): 275-280.
Aejaz HM1*, Khan AA1, Parveen N1, Baskar S, Mahaboob V, Khaja MN, Lakshmi NM and Habibullah CM.Stem Cells in Hepatobiliary Diseases JSRM 2006.
Sandeep Balu Shelar, Madhusudhanan Narasimhan, Gobinath Shanmugam, Silvio Hector Litovsky, Sellamuthu S. Gounder, Goutam Karan, Cinnasamy Arulvasu, Thomas W. Kensler, John R. Hoidal, Victor M. Darley-Usmar and Namakkal S. Rajasekaran. Disruption of nuclear factor (erythroid-derived-2)–like 2 antioxidant signaling: a mechanism for impaired activation of stem cells and delayed regeneration of skeletal muscle. FASEB J. 2016; 30(5):1865-79. IF-5.5. Citation-11.
Sellamuthu S. , Sankaranarayanan Kannan, Dinesh Devadoss, Corey J. Miller, Kevin J. Whitehead, Shannon J. Odelberg, Matthew A. Firpo, Robert Paine, III, John R. Hoidal, E. Dale Abel, and Namakkal S. Rajasekaran. (2012) Impaired Transcriptional Activity of Nrf2 in Age-Related Myocardial Oxidative Stress Is Reversible by Moderate Exercise Training. PLoS One. 2012; 7(10): 10.137. IF-2.8. Citation-98.
Sellamuthu S., Miller CJ, , Kannan S, Goutam K, Muthusamy VR, Firpo MA, Symons JD, Paine R 3rd, Hoidal JR, Rajasekaran NS. (2012) Disruption of Nrf2/ARE signaling impairs antioxidant mechanisms and promotes cell degradation pathways in aged skeletal muscle. Biochim Biophys Acta.1822(6):1038-50. IF-5.34. Citation-64.
Muthusamy VR, Kannan S, Sadhaasivam K, Sellamuthu S, Davidson CJ, Boeheme C, Hoidal JR, Wang I, Namakkal soorappan, rajasekaran. (2012). Acute exercise stress activates nrf2/are signaling and promotes antioxidant mechanisms in the myocardium. Free radic biol med, 52(2), 366-376. IF-5.7. Citation-183.
Sellamuthu S, Manikandan, R. Thiagarajan, G. Babu, D. Dinesh, D. Prabhu, C. Arulvasu (2011)In vitro trans-differentiation of human umbilical cord derived hematopoietic stem cells into hepatocyte like cells using combination of growth factors for cell based therapy. Cytotechnology, Volume 63, Issue 3, pp 259-268. IF-1.5. Citation-22.
Manikandan, R., Beulaja, M., Arulvasu, C., Sellamuthu, S., Dinesh, D., Prabhu, D., Babu, G., B. Vaseeharan and N. M. Prabu. 2011. Synergistic anti-cancer activity of curcumin and catechin: An in vitro study using human cancer cell lines. Micro. Res. Tech. 2012 ;75(2):112-6. IF-1.1. Citation-44.
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